"Envision a Brighter Future"
7318 Dixie Highway Louisville, KY 40258
Alcohol/Drug Assessments
DUI Programs
Marijuana Education Course
Outpatient Treatment
Individual Counseling
Batterers Intervention (BIP)
Probation & Parole
Transitional Living Facilities
Alcohol/Drug Assessments
Assessing alcohol and drug use disorders typically involves an in-person interview, a review of court records, and administration of a standardized assessment tool. The purpose of a professional assessment is to determine if a problem exists and if so, how severe it is, and what level of intervention might be needed.
20 Hour Education -PRI
Prime For Life (PRI) is designed to gently but powerfully challenge common beliefs and attitudes that directly contribute to high-risk alcohol and drug use. A primary goal of Prime For Life is prevention of any type of alcohol or drug problem. Prime For Life’s intervention component focuses on self-assessment to help people understand and accept the need for change. Intensive prevention services, group counseling or treatment may be necessary to support these changes.
Marijuana Education Course
The design of this program “Just Marijuana” is to provide accurate information about marijuana to the group participants and to provide them an opportunity to evaluate their relationship to marijuana. Marijuana is viewed as the number one illegal drug in the nation.
The psychoactive ingredient in marijuana is Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. This course discusses amotivational syndrome and impairments in both short and long term memory caused by the use of marijuana. Such serious impairments can contribute to vehicle accidents and conflicts with the law authorities. Participants will be confronted with their methods of choice making and decision techniques in such major life decisions as psychoactive chemical use.
Individual Counseling
Set up on an individual...
DUI Programs
This program is designed to help offenders increase their knowledge about alcohol and drugs as these substances relate to driving skills, to identify their own individual drinking / drug use and driving patterns, and to assist them in developing plans which will reduce the probability of future DUI/DWI behavior. Specific course topics include alcohol / drug use, Kentucky laws relating to DUI, effects of alcohol/ drugs affect on a person, chemical dependency, symptoms of dependency and decision making. Group sessions, Individual counseling, PRI, Relapse Prevention are all used in this class.
Outpatient Treatment
Intensive Outpatient substance abuse treatment is for people who cannot take advantage of an inpatient treatment program. Intensive Outpatient programs require patients to participate in programs that last for several hours a day. The members of the outpatient groups receive one-on-one counseling, group therapy and educational activities that include films, reading, speakers, and homework assignments. Many court-ordered substance abusers must attend these intensive programs as part of their sentence which can last from eight weeks to six months. IOP includes screening to discover the extent of the addiction and, if other mental health problems exist, regular evaluations of the patient’s progress by trained substance abuse counselors, and orientation to community services.
Batterers Intervention (BIP)
A BIP is an education based program that makes victim safety its primary priority, holds offenders accountable, and promotes a coordinated community response to domestic violence. ...
Transitional Living Facilities
Half-way houses, or transitional living...
Probation & Parole
The Probation and Parole program is available for any individual who finds themselves on the wrong side of the law as a result of probation and parole violations due to alcohol /drug involvement. Our intense program addresses ingrained patterns of maladaptive coping skills, criminal values, and beliefs along with their prolonged history of substance abuse and crime. For individuals whose struggle with substance abuse brings them into contact with the legal system, the personal losses can be enormous. Loss of family, job, housing, etc. CVC works with a person in all areas of their life. Strong empirical evidence over the past few decades consistently has shown that substance abuse treatment reduces crime. (also Criminal Thinking Errors)